Cancellation Policy

Cancellation by Guest:

If the guests decide to cancel the tour for any reason, they must notify us within a specified time frame and include a copy of the company’s cash receipt. Such cancellations will be subject to the cancellation fees specified below.

Cancellation fees will be calculated on the gross tour cost and vary according to the tour’s start date and cancellation date. Cancellation fees for any form of transport ticket are determined by the applicable authority. If an airline ticket is issued, it is non-refundable, and the guest is liable for cancellation fees.

The company will take processing fees from the refund due to the guest.

Kindly refer to our clearly defined cancellation policy.

  • 45 days to 30 days prior to arrival - 25% of the service/tour cost
  • 30 days to 07 days prior to arrival - 33% of the service/tour cost
  • 07 days to 48 hours prior to arrival - 80% of the service/tour cost
  • Less than 48 hours to arrival or NO SHOW - 100% of the service/tour cost

which will be charged to the guest as cancellation fees.

Important Note: Charges are based on the total cost of the tour, not the discounted or booked price. Cancellation does not cover the cancellation of air tickets, which will be handled separately. Cancellation charges for tailor-made holidays will vary according to the services purchased.

Cancellation by Company:

If the company cancels a tour or service due to unforeseen circumstances, the guest will get a full refund within seven working days of the cancellation date.